Coming home after al long and pretty nasty flight due to cancellation, broken air plane, system problems e.g. there was not that much time to rest and dream about this amaing trip, since daily routine came back pretty fast.
To this time, the weather was pretty cold in Germany and I just went to the gym for training. I also got the MRT done for my left knee with which I had (again) some problems since mid of December. Having played handball for years, I could categorize those problems and thought that my medial meniscus might be broken conpletely now (it was already damaged 10 years ago). Well, the MRT result said I suffered a big rupture in it and the doctor told me it might be useful to operate it. Since, I still had the MRT data from back than, I compared them and realized: the rupture was already that big 10 years ago. To that time, I had decided not to operate it and so did I this time again, for a simple reason: If my meniscus lets me do so much sport without any pain over the past 10 years without the rupture being changed, why should it not work for 10 more years to come? So, I changed my training a little bit and included some more sensomotoric excercises and went back to the water to do some freestyle.