In times like these, you need to stick to oneself: do not hush, love every moment and be nice to one another. Time on earth is short and it can even can shorter, when lost persons decide to take you along from here. My thoughts go out to all those people being victims and families of the latest attacks in Bavaria and all over the world. It is horrible to see that people kill innocent persons being totally ingested by an idea of a religion or any other ideology. Where do we turn to? How do we wish to leave this world behind when we have to take the next level one day? I guess we cannot change the world on one day and we cannot change things by building walls. Just today, I have read that statistically the western world is more safer than ever before, but we feel unsafer than ever due to all those bad news on television and due to the fact that the social media are covered with bad and sad informations. We wrap ourself in a blanket made of tears, fear and anger instead of concentrating on the good and beautiful things of life. We need to change that in honour to all those innocent victims. We need to change ourself, our attitude, we should start to be grateful, get rid of all those negative energies. We should simply do more of those things which make us happy....and by being happy, we immediately and subconsciously start to make our surroundings happy to.